Trenise Bryant
Miami Workers Center (MWC)
Board Chair
Trenise Bryant was raised in Liberty City, a community severely impacted by gentrification. She graduated from Miami Northwestern Senior high school and currently works at Sweetwater Elementary as a food-service manager. Trenise is a long time member of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Nutrition Association, where she is past-president. Trenise is passionate about volunteering in the community where she grew up, especially for the Liberty Square public housing complex. Trenise strongly believes that housing is a human right and is fighting to make that right a reality. Trenise is proud to serve her community as the Board Chair of the Miami Workers Center (MWC) nonprofit whose mission is to build the power and self-determination of south Florida’s most oppressed communities. Trenise is also on the Board of the SMASH nonprofit where she has been a pioneer of the Community Land Trust model as an organizing tool for Miami-Dade.