

2 PM – 3:15 PM

Salon 2

Adaptive Reuse and Affordable Housing

Grocery chains and other big box retailers have closed hundreds of locations due to declining sales and increased competition from online shopping and changing consumer preferences. The result is millions of square feet of empty space in neighborhood centers and regional malls in communities of all sizes. These vacancies present opportunities to expand the supply of affordable housing, matching it with employment opportunities, and catalyzing sustainable redevelopment. Through an award from Fannie Mae’s Sustainable Communities Innovation Challenge (SCIC), the Florida Housing Coalition has been working on a pilot adaptive reuse project on a site in St. Petersburg. In this session, participants will hear more about the SCIC from Fannie Mae and why this adaptive reuse concept was chosen from among hundreds submitted nationwide. The session will then discuss the opportunities and challenges of adaptively reusing vacant retail for affordable housing, details on the Coalition’s work to date in St. Petersburg including the design for the site, and recommendations for how to move forward in your community.