

3 PM – 5:30 PM

Salon 5/6

Disaster Recovery Forum

The devastating hurricane seasons of the past three years exposed Florida’s challenges to quickly repair and rebuild the homes of its low income and workforce families. The displacement of hundreds of thousands of survivors in the midst of a deepening affordable housing crisis left housing providers searching for solutions to prepare for and recover from what seems to be more frequent and severe storms. In this forum our panel of experts will share their experiences in responding to the issues and discuss innovative solutions that will lead to a more rapid and equitable redevelopment of Florida’s housing stock. Panelists will cover the spectrum of disaster housing recovery including state and federal programs, mitigation and resilience, legal advocacy for the most vulnerable, the value of volunteers and the faith based community, and the role of the financial sector. Attendees may join the discussion designed to transform silos into pipelines of innovation and systemic changes.