

9 AM – 10:15 AM

Salon 5/6

Expanding the Stock of Affordable Housing: Missing Middle and Missing 4% Tax Credits

When we typically think about expanding the stock of affordable housing, we think about 9% tax credits and programs for producing affordable housing.  But there are additional tools that we may miss; tools that create a meaningful addition to the affordable housing stock. The “missing middle,” is a term coined for the smaller scale rental housing, such as duplexes, triplexes, and quads, that can be built by the private sector if municipalities provide greater flexibility in local land use planning laws. This session  covers the missing middle and another “missing” piece of the affordable housing stock: a model for using the 4% federal tax credits to produce affordable housing without additional gap financing other than real property tax exemption. This workshop is for local government planners and administrators, housing advocates, and local housing finance authorities so that they can discover new strategies for expanding access to affordable housing.