Amando Rosado
Florida Housing Coalition
Ending Homelessness Team Director
Amanda Rosado is the Florida Housing Coalition’s Ending Homelessness Team Director. In this role, Amanda works closely with Continuums of Care, local governments, nonprofits, faith-based organizations, service providers, and other stakeholders working to prevent and end homelessness in their communities. Knowing that homelessness is solvable, Amanda provides training, technical assistance, and consulting to ensure every community in Florida has an effective housing crisis response system. Amanda is also a HUD technical assistance provider to Continuums of Care throughout Florida. Prior to working with the Coalition, Amanda worked in various homeless and housing programs including rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing, emergency shelter, outreach, and behavioral health. As a strong advocate for housing first and recovery-oriented systems of care, she is passionate about utilizing evidence-based practices and providing effective interventions to work with some of the most vulnerable populations. Amanda holds a master’s degree in Social Work.