Marcy Esbjerg
Pasco County Community Development
Marcy Esbjerg serves as the Director of Pasco County’s Community Development Department. She oversees the homeless initiatives, neighborhood revitalization, affordable housing opportunities and community partnerships implemented with federal and state grants. She brought with her 22 years of experience working with the City of Burlington, Vermont as well as county government in Collier County, Florida. Her experience includes 10 years of assisting over 500 low and moderate income families to become homeowners via a unique public/private partnership with a banking consortium. Esbjerg manages Federal and State grants including HUD’s CDBG, HOME, ESG and the State Housing Initiative Partnership. Marcy has experience with the Older American’s Act Senior grants, and the Corporation for Community and National Service. Marcy holds a BA in Human Services from Simmons College and a Master’s in Public Administration from Florida Gulf Coast University. Ms. Esbjerg serves as the Chair of the Pasco County Continuum of Care and is an active board member of the National Community Development Association