Anne Ray

Anne Ray

Anne Ray UF Shimberg Center for Housing StudiesFlorida Housing Data Clearinghouse Manager Anne Ray is the manager of the Florida Housing Data Clearinghouse, a free, online source of data on affordable housing needs and supply. Since joining the Shimberg Center in...
CJ Reynolds

CJ Reynolds

CJ Reynolds Tampa Bay Regional Planning CouncilDirector of Resilience & Engagement At the TBRPC, CJ Reynolds directs the Tampa Bay Regional Resilience Coalition, which currently includes 29 local governments, and oversees the new Resilience and Energy Assessment...
Camille Reynolds Lewis

Camille Reynolds Lewis

Camille Reynolds Lewis Executive Director Hannibal Square Community Land Trust, Inc. Camille is executive director for the Hannibal Square Community Land Trust (HSCLT) in Winter Park, FL. She served on the board of HSCLT for 5 years with one year as board president...
Paula Rhodes

Paula Rhodes

Paula McDonald Rhodes Invictus Development, LLC President Paula McDonald Rhodes is a co-founder of InVictus Development, LLC, a Tampa-based multifamily affordable housing development company. Prior to forming Invictus in 2015, Ms. Rhodes spent nine years as Norstar...
Kelly Rigell

Kelly Rigell

Kelly Rigell Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc.Grants and Communications Manager Kelly Rigell is the Grants and Communications Manager at Adopt-A-Family of the Palm Beaches, Inc. During her 14-year career with the agency, she spent several years in direct client...