Stephen Bender

Stephen Bender

Stephen Bender FHC Board of DirectorsUniversity of Florida, Professor Stephen Bender is professor in residence at University of Florida Citylab-Orlando where he teaches graduate architecture with a focus on revitalizing neighborhoods through design. As a program with...
Ann Bennett

Ann Bennett

Ann Bennett RLS Film, LLC Producer Ann Bennett is a documentary filmmaker, multimedia producer, teaching artist and disability rights advocate who has devoted her career to telling diverse stories through Film, Television, Museum Installations and Interactive-Media....
Christopher Bennett

Christopher Bennett

Christopher Bennett City of MiamiAssistant Director, Department of Resilience and Public Works Christopher R. Bennett, P.E. is Assistant Director of the Department of Resilience and Public Works for the City of Miami. Mr. Bennett has over 20 years of engineering,...
Stephanie Berman

Stephanie Berman

Stephanie Berman Eisenberg FHC Board of Directors, Advisory CouncilCarrfour Supportive Housing, President Stephanie Berman is the President of Carrfour Supportive Housing, a not-for-profit organization established by the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce in 1993 to...
Jeff Branch

Jeff Branch

Jeff Branch Florida League of CitiesSr. Legislative Advocate Jeff Branch is a Sr. Legislative Advocate with the Florida League of Cities handling transportation and intergovernmental relations issues. He grew up in upstate NY, in a city called Watertown. Jeff is a...